Learning to fly was tough, but learning to fly commercial planes with few hundreds of passengers was even tougher. My Second Officer days were by no means as easy as auto-pilot. Basically a Second Officer is a pilot flying under probation. We were scrutinized down to every last bit of details in terms of knowledge, operation skills and flying finesse. After all, flying with so many lives is a huge responsibility and safety is the top priority. Therefore, the authorities and company made sure only the competent ones are granted the license; not just any button operators. Along the way, some frown and some tried to humiliate newcomers like us. Those are really not so nice people. But I must say I also met many great people and crew members that made my stay-over so enjoyable. I really enjoy traveling to new places with great people as there is never short of joy and laughter.
All my stressful and sleepless nights are now behind me. The last peak was sure a hell of a tough climb. The highest and most treacherous in my entire life. But with a little push from the instructors, my coursemates and my loved ones, I managed to conquer it and checked out as First Officer. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all those who were behind me through the thick and thin. Happy 4th anniversary to Course 121; a bunch of nobody that went through all odds together to become somebody that everyone envies now. To all my friends, happy flying. Hope to see you someday in the air.
Related links:
Life of a Cadet Pilot, Ultimate Jet Flying
Life of a Cadet Pilot, The Jandakot Story
Life of a Cadet Pilot, Part 1
BEST post ever!!!
Best of luck to your Flying Career!
Great blog!
I read all your posts on your journey to becoming a commercial pilot.
I hope one day I will fly for SIA too.
Happy flying and safe landings.
Hoong Ji!
What a great blog you have !
From now onwards I'll be your no.1 fans, haha
Being a pilot is always my dream, althought now it seem far beyond achieve, but my passion in Aviation will never end !
Glad to know your blog (a bit too late), but thanks god it's just begin !
Your truly fans
I hope you become a captain someday. I'd like to be your student.
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